The Board of Auckland Pride wishes to give notice and invite you to our 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is a time to celebrate achievements and our team’s mahi, and to make decisions about the future of our organisation.
Join us for our Annual General Meeting
We can’t wait to bring you all together for kai and kōrero and hear directly from our membership as we set in motion our plan for the future. We’ll have windows open to allow for fresh air flow. Should you wish to attend via zoom please reach out to our Co-chairs by email, chair@aucklandpride.org.nz
Auckland Pride 2024 AGM
Saturday 3 August, 1pm - 3pm
Venue: Auckland Pride, 312 Karangahape Road, Auckland 1010
Details for online attendance will be provided closer to the date.
Board Nominations
The nominations for the board this year are:
- Renata White
- Katy Thomas
- Bhenjamin Goodsir
- Catherine Anderson
Candidate bios and other information are included in the 2024 AGM Reports linked below.
Reminder on Board make-up and voting procedures
Under the constitution, up to six board members are elected by the membership for a two year term. A further two board members may be co-opted onto the board, and one Takatāpui representative is to be appointed by an independent Māori advisory committee. This year there are four positions to be elected.
Only members can submit and vote on motions and Board elections. Voting will be conducted in the room and via zoom. If for some reason you're unable to attend, you can give your voting power to another member who will be present and vote on any amendments and motions ahead of time (proxy voting). You can assign proxy voting responsibility by emailing the secretary no later than 5:00pm Thursday 1 August.
You can read our full constitution here
AGM Agenda
In accordance with Auckland Pride's Constitution, here is the Agenda for the 2024 AGM, 2023 Minutes for approval, and the proposed constitutional changes:
The reports from the Co-Chairs, Treasurer and Executive Director are now available for members ahead of the AGM, along with the nominations for board membership. Our accountants are still working through the Annual Accounts and a copy of these will be available in time for the AGM.
We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and come together. We’re looking forward to continued work building a sustainable future for Auckland Pride, and are excited to do so in partnership with our communities.
Ngā manaakitanga,
The Board of Auckland Pride